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Our time in Louisiana was an incredible two weeks of getting to be the hands and feet of Jesus! I am excited to give you a glimpse of what we got to experience even if it is long overdue. There is no better way to do this than sharing photos that capture this unique body of Christ at work for the kingdom. 

But first, What do you mean by being the hands and feet of Jesus Abigail? As I’ve shared previously my squad had the opportunity to partner with Samaritan’s Purse (SP) in Lake Charles Louisiana to do disaster relief! What being the hands and feet of Jesus looked like on a day to day basis was helping homeowners whose homes were either physically destroyed by the hurricanes or became unlivable from the mold that was a result of all the water damage. We tore down ceilings and walls, helped clear debris from yards, ripped up flooring and the hardest job sending homeowners personal belongings to the curb because of water damage. As a squad we also got to receive and give to the SP volunteer community and enjoy watching different generations encourage and serve alongside each other! Hope you enjoy these pictures that captured these two weeks! 

These are some of the beautiful girls I had the honor of working alongside! My team, Team Fervent as well as Team Mesa!

The before and after of one of the homes we worked on.

Each day we began and ended the day in prayer with our homeowners. We all take off our hats not only out of respect for the Father but also as one of our leaders, Frank, would remind us, as a physical symbol of surrendering and laying our crowns down for the King of Kings!

One of the many ceilings we tore down over the course of the week. First the tiling or dry wall then the tedious work of removing every staple, nail or screw.

This picture perfectly captures the overflowing joy of the intergenerational community we had the honor of being apart of for those two weeks! After spending two months on campus with no one older than 30ish we all enjoyed soaking up the wisdom and stories of those who were more seasoned in life. Pictured here is our site team leader, Palmer, and a fellow volunteer, Daniel. Both have been faithfully serving with SP for several weeks.

This is sweet Gracie my co truck girl! Frank one of the leaders of our team trained us to help keep the truck organized and make sure all the tools were put back where they belonged. This looked like making sure we had all the supplies in the morning before we left for the day and keeping track of what we would need for the next day. Frank was an honor to get to know over the course of the week. He took us under his wing and truly encouraged and believed in us as young women!

During our time with Samaritan’s Purse 97 home owners received help and we gained 70 some brothers and sisters in Christ! I have all of you to thank for the opportunity to be apart of seeing this fruit. Thank you for your support and partnership in the work God is doing. God is so good! So much work still needs to be done in Lake Charles, if hearing about my experience sparked an interest in being apart of the work Samaritan Purse is doing I encourage you to look into volunteering or supporting them in prayer. You can get connected and read more here… Hurricane Response – Lake Charles, LA The number of work orders keep rising and it is predicted that this SP deployment will be there well into the new year as they do not leave a location until all work orders are completed. 

I also want to invite you to read the following blog from one of my friends who shared a little update about our squad. I have covid! God is good! 

Upon returning from Samaritan Purse several of my squad including myself came down with Covid, we have all recovered and most of us are already home for the thanksgiving holiday. But for more information go ahead and read Hannah’s update! 

Thank You all for following along! 

– Abigail

One response to “Serving in Jesus Name!”

  1. Abigail-

    So great to see your photos and read the joy of a servant’s heart in your words!! Don’t ever hide that sweet, sweet smile!!!

    Annie B’s mom