
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This week we had the opportunity to take part in a Beauty for Ashes retreat and then receive training on how to lead a retreat for other women.

Beauty for Ashes is the women’s ministry program connected to Adventures in Mission. They host retreats across the country and world with the goal of bringing hope and healing to suffering and victimized women. Beauty for Ashes desires to create safe environments for women to share their stories and be vulnerable. 

Each session includes a teaching then invites participants into a time where they can ask God a question and communicate with the father. Some examples of questions are who is God, ask God to remind you of a time you had a close connection with him or what lies do you believe about yourself and what are the truths we find in the Word that counter those lies. After time to journal or draw what they feel God is laying on their heart there is a time to share with other women in a small group of four or five.

In one of the sessions we were invited to ask God, “If we were to play a game together what would it be and why do you want to play that game?” When I thought about this question my first response was why would God want to play a game, with me? That seems kind of odd, but the reality is God wants to spend time with us. He wants us to come into his presence and spend time with him. In the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10, Martha was so concerned fussing over serving Jesus that she missed that time to just simply sit and be with Jesus. How often are we guilty of getting so caught up in the business of life that we forget to simply “be” with Jesus. We are quick to watch the game on tv or hangout with friends but what about a game with Jesus? How much more could we learn and gain from playing a game with God as silly as it sounds.

When I asked God what game he would want to play with me this is what I felt him lay on my heart. At first something about running came to mind, I am not much of a runner, so my response was really running. However, as I listened I felt keep away was more of what God was getting at when I asked him why keep away he told me, “you can catch up but then I can and will run further up ahead, in the same way you will never be able fully understand or grasp who I am you will always have room to keep learning more about me. I will always lead you further like a child learning to ride a bike or swim. Their dad will encourage and coax them to swim just this far but we all remember how in reality they keep stepping back further and further just to prove to their child they could go further than they ever thought possible. In the same way you will learn more about me than you ever thought, I will challenge you and ask you to go further than you thought possible. All I am asking you to do is keep chasing after me, following me into my loving arms. I will allow you to catch up just enough to catch your breathe and find rest and comfort in me before challenging you to go further and keep pushing your comfort zones.”

Wow, what an incredible opportunity to hear from the God. When we take the time to sit with God and ask him what he desires for us, what he wants to teach us we can walk away with incredible lessons. Through asking God a question I thought was silly I was encouraged to continue chasing after the Father. Encouraged that he will be my comfort and resting place even when things get hard, when God has pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I was encouraged that God will always have more for me, more to teach me, to challenge me and push me and through him I will go further than I ever thought possible. Thanks God.

I invite you to ask God, what game he would like to play with you and why? Invite him to speak to you through a question that we wouldn’t really think about asking God. Our Father is personal, he wants to know you and speak to you personally!

Thank You all for reading my blog for faithfully supporting me! Praise the Lord I have such incredible people supporting me on this journey, I hope you all have a wonderful day! Again thank you for stopping in!


8 responses to “If you were to play a game with God what would it be?”

  1. You keep touching my heart with your beautiful blogs. Thank you for your
    Encouragement. Love you


  2. Good stuff, Abigail! These thoughts really spoke to me — thank you for sharing!!

  3. Abigail!
    I just LOVE this idea! I can’t think of a better way to describe the game. I don’t want to play any other game but chase!

    Big Hugs!
    Annie’s Mom